Have Not Marketed a Rev-a-Shelf Wood Half Moon 2 Shelf Lazy Susan - R4WLS882-38-570 Quite Like This Before
While you may possibly already have a Rev-a-Shelf Wood Half Moon 2 Shelf Lazy Susan - R4WLS882-38-570 we would be inclined to wager that our most current product is like nothing you have ever come across before. Once you acquire one of these, you are searching for something that is going to make your life a little easier and whenever it does not take place, you're likely to be dissatisfied. Manufacturer has gone to amazing lengths to make sure that you will be thrilled with this most recent unit.
As you may presently have and also be utilizing an earlier product, you recognize exactly what you desired your Rev-a-Shelf Wood Half Moon 2 Shelf Lazy Susan - R4WLS882-38-570 to do, the catch is that so many of these products have been made and put in the marketplace with way too much attention to packing these items up with pointless functions. Manufacturer believes that the sole method you will replace the one you have is if we build a merchandise that is far better, and worth spending the cash to buy.
Our Rev-a-Shelf Wood Half Moon 2 Shelf Lazy Susan - R4WLS882-38-570 may be the end result of years of study; our developers took an in depth look into each and every item available and what people have asserted that they like about them, checked out our own designs then went straight to the drawing board. What we came up with is a solution we are extremely pleased with and are positive is full of all of the benefits you desired in one of these and you may find it well worth worth it.
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Shop for Serveware from LazySusans.com! The Rev-a-Shelf Wood Half Moon 2 Shelf Lazy Susan is ideal for reaching condiments pan lids and small dishes in any kitchen cabinet. This unit features a half-moon shape and comes with pivoting and sliding hardware so it can be pulled out of the cabinet to allow for easy access.The two shelves of this Lazy Susan are crafted from durable maple wood with a natural finish. The shelves have lips on the edges to keep items in place even while the unit is moving. Shelf slides allow the shelves to pivot outwards and slide toward you for access even to items in the back. All hardware is included.
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